It is the week before spring break, suddenly much like the week before finals. So, in keeping with tradition, I have gotten sick. Feeling overwhelmed and lousy after class and the doctor and on my way to work I realized that I was also famished! "Food must quickly be obtained with as little effort as possible!", I thought to myself. "But what choices do I have between school and work?"
7 11, two of them.
"There has to be another way!!"
Wilst re-formulating my plan I asked myself, "What do I really want?", the answer. . . butter cream frosting. "Where can one procure such a treat at 1:00 pm between Weber State and down town Ogden?" A singe option presented it's self, The Vintage Cupcake on 24th and Jefferson.
Thither I went. Behind the glass case I saw, among other fantastical treats, at least four inches of swirly, piped, hot pink, butter cream conveniently attached to another four inches of chocolate cake: The Pink Lady. It was fate.
I was also thirsty by this point. I inquired of the proprietor whither I might find a chilled beverage to quench said thirst. "The old fridge behind you", he said. Truer words were never spoken, for there I found a chilly coke-a-cola in a frosty glass bottle. Providence had smiled upon my miserable day and led me to a miracle.
It's a small little shop, filled with funky furniture and giant cupcakes, it is my saving grace through this stamina sucking week. I must admit that only two days later I returned to the scene and purchased another cupcake. The calories I am sure are beyond our current recognition of numbers, but smiling with palest pink tinted teeth at each client I was obliged to greet that evening, the physical repercussions were the furthest thing from my mind.
I might also add, by way of imparting information, that The Vintage Cupcake is currently producing girl scout themed cupcakes, yesterday was the Samoa, I know! Shut up! Right? But it's true.