Starting with my scrounging adventures, here's the low- down on the build- up!
I've squashed it next to ANOTHER book shelf, it's shelves are VAST. I'm excited just thinking about the day we hauled it home! Boy did Daddy laugh.
I also MOdg Podged the letters on the book shelf spelling "Home" there are several interchangeable holiday "o's" I am excited to collect them all.
This cluttered mess was a lift off of a sweet friend Ruthie. She no longer harbored fond feelings for the beast, but I was (as ever) willing to make some room. (P.S. subtle homage to Marilyn & the , no joke, graphic novel of Pride&Prejudice featuring Miss Elizabeth, they's my homegirls.)
This big fella is another excellent scrounge.
Fo FREE. That's right, it was on another friendly neighbor's front lawn. This book shelf is massive! Took me a while to find a way to wedge it into one of my rooms. The solution came to me when the cold weather came and we had to bring Mom's rain forest inside for the winter. It's a great place for all of her house plants to get some sunshine safely behind the window. Sadly, this monster made me a tiny bit late for work. It was too big to fit in my Jeep! Lucky for me, Daddy was home and zoomed to my rescue in his Truck. It went something like this:
Me: Hey Daddy, whatchadoin?
Dad: Out in the garden, why?
Me: Well, I'm down the street and this enormous FREE bookshelf won't fit in my Jeep! Well, if I could lift it by myself I am sure I would find that it would not fit. Can you come help me?
Dad: What? I guess.
Me: Like right now? Cause I was on my way to work, but I gotta have this shelf!!!
Best Dad EVER.
This shelf is stuffed in the tiny space above my closet, I can't reach it, bit I can see it!
This is a scrounge/Build. I found an ugly piece of wood in the wood pile out back, collected a few baby food jars (courtesy Grammy and Claire) and approached Dad with my idea. The result? I crooked and wonderfully useful ribbon rack and a great place to keep buttons and beads. Matty saved those love birds for me when they moved into Grandma Martin's house. He knows how I love birdies!
New adventures in paper crafting, I am still contemplating these, but I like the idea. I hope they turn out.
Saw it on Pinterest! Old Oatmeal can. Outside holds headbands, other hair things go inside. So much better than digging through a drawer full of ribbons and flowers! I plan to make one with Alexandria next time we visit. I think she'll loving making it. Hopefully it will help her keep her hair things together and be more willing to put them away.
Cutest Banner Ever! Well, that's what I'm tellin myself. I had fun making it. The colors are really great.
This is a cover for my sewing machine. Flip it upside down and it becomes a carrying case with a wide comfy strap.
Well, those are my latest adventures! I have a closet full of these kinds of things. Matt thinks it's a terrific waste of space. Often lovingly referred to as my "hopeless chest", but I find a particular joy in making old things new, in putting orphaned pieces together to make a family. Ha ha, it's good to be your own kind of beautiful.